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An abstract image of a data center made out of gold coins

The $1 Trillion Question

The $1 Trillion Question, Mortality in the Age of Generative Ghosts, Your Mind and AI, How to Design AI Tutors for Learning, The Imagining Summit Preview: Adam Cutler, and Helen's Book of the Week.

An abstract image of a person standing in a field of green apples

Your Mind and AI

Magritte's "Son of Man" metaphor explores digital obscurity of reality. AI model collapse mirrors human isolation effects. Minds struggle without diverse input. Balancing AI benefits and genuine human connection crucial. Develop metacognitive skills to navigate this new landscape.

Abstract image of a classroom with an AI tutor

How to Design AI Tutors for Learning

Generative AI promises personalized learning at scale but risks creating dependency. Complementary cognitive artifacts enhance skills; competitive ones replace them. Effective AI tutors balance engagement and autonomy, expanding human cognition without diminishing critical abilities.

The Intimacy Surface

The Intimacy Surface

The Intimacy Surface, How to Use Generative AI, Part 9: Reflect, John Havens: Heartificial Intelligence, Improve Your Prompts with Many-Shot In-Context Learning, The Imagining Summit Preview: Jamer Hunt, Helen's Book of the Week, and Facts & Figures about AI & Complex Change.

Science review: Many-shot in-context learning

Improve Your Prompts with Many-Shot In-Context Learning

Explore Many-Shot In-Context Learning to enhance AI interactions. Learn five strategies from Google DeepMind's research to optimize your prompts for language models like ChatGPT. Improve your AI prompt engineering skills and maximize AI capabilities.

An abstract image of books on a bookshelf

Helen's Books of the Week

As meta-researchers, we consume ideas and research from a variety of sources. Books, in particular, are an important source. And Helen reads a lot of them. Each week she profiles one book in our newsletter—and this is the the full list.

An abstract image of the sun setting over the ocean

Trust: The Foundation of the Intimacy Economy

Trust: The Foundation of the Intimacy Economy, Creativity in the Age of Artificiality, A New Framework for Understanding Emergence in Complex Systems, How to Use Generative AI Part 8, and more!

An abstract image of a bow

Creativity in the Age of Artificiality

Explore the evolving understanding of human intelligence and AI. Discover how the "bow tie model" of cognition and the concept of "affordances" reveal uniquely human creativity. Learn about Artificiality—the future fusion of biological and artificial intelligence reshaping our reality.

A New Framework for Understanding Emergence in Complex Systems

A New Framework for Understanding Emergence in Complex Systems

Explore a new framework for predicting emergent phenomena in complex systems. Learn how concepts like causal, informational, and computational closure offer new insights into emergence, from ant colonies to financial markets. Explore practical applications for your work and life.

An abstract image of artificial self-improvement

The Possibility of Artificial Self-Improvement

Artificial Self-Improvement, Open-endedness and Artificial Superhuman Intelligence, A First: AI That Modifies Its Own Reward, Leslie Valiant and Educability, and How to Use Generative AI, Part 7.

An abstract image of infinity

Open-endedness and Artificial Superhuman Intelligence

Explore the concept of open-endedness, a key trait for artificial superhuman intelligence. Learn how AI must transcend pattern recognition and develop unbounded creativity, setting its own goals for continual innovation. Discover the challenges in achieving true open-ended AI.

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